Please enter a valid The entered Password does not meet the minimum security requirements. Please enter a valid password. Password shall be at least 8 characters long and must contain one capital letter, one numeric and one special character (@, #, $, %, *, !, _, -, &, +) Please enter Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express Card Numbers only. Weak Password Strong Password Very Strong Password Invalid Password. Show Password Hide Password The entered Username does not meet the minimum requirements. Please enter a valid Username. Your Username should comprise of 4 to 40 • Alphabetic characters • Numeric characters • Special characters @ _ - . • No spaces. Please enter all the mandatory information. Service Account Number 0 not allowed. Phone number The entered Password does not meet the desired requirements.
Please enter a valid password.
Your password should comprise of
• 8-32 characters;• One Lowercase Letter;• One Uppercase Letter;• Number;• special character like @#$%*!_- and No space allowed one uppercase letter
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